сряда, 20 март 2013 г.

Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Silver: Един семеен ден офлайн

Това е една кампания, наградена със сребро на фестивала Dubai Lynx 2013. McDonalds – ОАЕ е семеен ресторант, който си поставя цел да се превърне в посланик на идеята да се прекарва повече време офлайн в семействата. Така стартира инициативата – Един ден офлайн – без никакви телефони, смартфони или каквито и да е технологични устройства – само с членове на семейството. За успешното му реализиране е обявен денят 28 септември за „Офлайн ден”.Популяризирането на инициативата става чрез активно използване на водещи блогове в страната. Агенцията е ASDA'A BURSON-MARSTELLER Dubai.

Type of Entry: PR: Technique
Client: McDONALD'S

Describe the campaign/entry:
 As a family restaurant, McDonald's is always looking to create moments and opportunities for families to connect. And something was bothering us... We all know technology can bring families and loved-ones together, but if misused can actually become a barrier to quality time with family. We knew the importance of uninterrupted family time, but wanted to make sure families did too. But in order to really affect positive change in family behavior when it came to technology, we would need an act that would get families to look up from their screens and take notice. Instead of an awareness campaign we created a cause, a single day around which families could rally and show their support for family time. We created a day in were families were asked to put aside their phones, emails and gadgets and focus on spending time with family, September 28th: A Day Offline. In effect this was the people's cause, not ours. McDonald's was simply acting as an enabler, so reaching out to them was key in order to see the day become a success. To garner support, we raised awareness through a month of blog posts citing sources from across the region and world about the benefits and pitfalls to uninterrupted family time. We also reached out to bloggers and key influencers on social media to further extend the debate on their own terms.

A month prior to the day, we started a conversation on our Facebook blog, highlighting the issue daily with content posted by leading authorities, including psychologists, teachers, and sociologists. People could share the content, suggest things to do on the day using our word cloud, and wear a Twibbon to show their support. As our print presence grew, bloggers fueled the growing debate online. On the day itself, we went into digital silence and handed out 250,000 phone vaults to lock away mobile phones for the day. Suggestions from the word cloud were converted into regional in-mall and in-store activities.

Research showed 660,000 participated on the day. Of those who participated: • 20% were more likely to think that McDonald’s cares about families. • 17% were more likely to trust McDonald’s. • 95% claimed it helped them understand that family time should be uninterrupted. • 85% claimed it helped them understand that technology can interrupt quality family time. • 80% claimed they were more willing to separate from technology when with family. • 87% claimed they were more willing to ignore their phone at the dinner table. Additionally, PR coverage in 50+ blogs and 85 published articles extended awareness beyond the 1.79 million reached through Facebook.

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