сряда, 20 март 2013 г.

Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Gold: Липсващият човек

Това е една кампания, наградена със злато на фестивала Dubai Lynx 2013. Тя е насочена към повишаване на общественото внимание към изчезналите хора след края на гражданската война в Ливан. За реализирането на целите й са използвани различни техники, които правят кампанията разнообразна. Един от акцентите в нея е комуникирането на посланието за „липсващия човек”, чрез поредица от „липсващи” индиректни внушения – липсващи аватари във Facebook, липсващи хора от огледала в тоалетните на множество заведения, липсващи хора от снимки и видео клипове. Агенцията е GREY WORLDWIDE MENA NETWORK Beirut, LEBANON.

Title: ACT-PR
Type of Entry: PR: Best Campaign

The Situation:
There were no sustained efforts by the government to actually know what happened to 17,000 disappeared.

With ’Enough Waiting’ as the campaign idea, a multimedia initiative was rolled out. It kicked off with a series of gripping TV commercials strongly highlighting the plight of those waiting. The campaign then went into outdoor and print executions. Digital media banners on key websites, redirected users to a 10-second countdown. Disappearing profile pictures on facebook marked the support of thousands, creating 15,000 likes overnight. Headlines in leading newspapers generated top stories on TV. The nation’s leading TV station dedicated, to this initiative, an entire episode of the highest rated political talk show. To prompt the government for action, we called upon the nation to join a march to the parliament, together with the families of the disappeared, on November 17. At the parliament, we put up a paneled wall. As more and more people signed on it, the faces of those who disappeared were revealed.

On that day, a first-of-its-kind petition was submitted for the support of a government decree to start investigating about the disappeared. And on this very day an entire nation appeared as one, united through their support of the ‘act for the disappeared’.

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