Една изключително силна Twitter кампания, насочена изцяло към представяне и поддържане бранда на Швеция. Основната идея в нея е, че всеки един швед е посланик на своята страна и като такъв трябва да бъде използван целенасочено. Така стартира мащабната Twitter кампания @Sweden, в рамките на която всяка седмица различен човек поддържа акаунта и туитва своето „шведско” ежедневние. В нея се включват, както известни личности от страната, така и обикновени хора. Кампанията е наградена със злато от Eurobest 2012/PR. Агенцията е VOLONTAIRE, Stochholm.
Type of Entry: Technique
PR/Advertising : VOLONTAIRE Stockholm, SWEDEN
Objective Position Sweden as a progressive country. Planning How do you create curiosity, interest and sympathy for a small nation of nine million far up in the north of Europe? And how to prove the core values (open, authentic, caring, innovative)? PR Strategy Start conversations instead of one-way communication, in order to let people spread the word volontarily - without a given budget. Use the fastest medium to reach journalists and multipliers globally: Twitter Idea Remove nation-branding conventions by letting ordinary Swedes control the official @sweden account one week at a time. Let them represent Sweden through personal reflections, thoughtful, provocative and fun tweets. Then repeat the procedure week after week putting new persons in charge of the account. Tweet by tweet, the image of Sweden is built: dynamic, personal, innovative and deeply human. Then add: No censorship. No limits. Just like Sweden. Results We attracted over 65 000 followers from 120 countries and started thousands of conversations, sparking discussions on transparency in social media and how technology can be used for democracy as well as inspiring others to start similar accounts like @WeAreAustralia, @PeopleOfTheUK, @TweetweekUSA and @CuratorsMexico. Featured in all major media such as TheTimes, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, blogs such as boingboing, thenextweb, readwriteweb and mashable as well as on sites such as Huffington, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Vogue, WashingtonPost, Globe&Mail, LaStampa and broadcasted on Swedish, Italian and US radio for an equivalent PR value in excess of $ 40,000,000.
Curators of Sweden is not a campaign, but an ongoing initiative that lives in real-time on the Twitter platform. The initiative started on Nobel Day, the 10th of december 2011. Each week sees a new spokesperson for the country, being revealed on sunday night before starting his/her honourable task on Monday morning. An archive function of the curators' tweets and a short description of the project are available in parallel on the curatorsofsweden.com website.
We attracted over 65,000 followers from 120 countries and started thousands of conversations, sparking discussions on transparency in social media and how technology can be used for democracy as well as inspiring others to start similar accounts like @WeAreAustralia, @PeopleOfTheUK, @TweetweekUSA and @CuratorsMexico. We've been featured in all major media such as The Times, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, blogs such as boingboing, thenextweb, readwriteweb and mashable as well as on sites such as Huffington, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Vogue, Washington Post, Globe and Mail, La Stampa and broadcasted on Swedish, Italian and US radio for an equivalent PR value in excess of $40,000,000. Some media have been contacting our Curators directly for interviews after their week is up. We think this is great!