сряда, 20 март 2013 г.

Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Bronze: Да поговорим за култура

В резултат на тази кампания, един конкретен вид птица-дропла се превръща буквално в национален символ за хората от Обединените Арабски Емирства. Националният фонд за опазване на птицата инициира поредица от масирани инициативи, първично насочени към учениците и техните родители. Постепенно кампанията надминава очакванията на организаторите си и заслужено печели и бронзът на Dubai Lynx 2013. Агенцията е IMPACT PORTER NOVELLI Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.

Type of Entry: PR: Sectors and Services

Describe the campaign/entry:
The PR campaign was founded on changing the behaviour of future generations through raising awareness and educating a range of stakeholders on the importance of conserving the Houbara bird. IFHC runs a captive breeding and release programme to repopulate diminishing stocks as well as create awareness and change behaviour. Key to changing behaviour and awareness is education. - IFHC and ADEC worked together to define key objectives for a succcessful education programme - preserve culture and heritage, integrate the Houbara and IFHC into the national curriculum and inspire future generations to train for careers in ecology, genetics and science. By teaming up with ADEC, IFHC built a programme centred around inquiry learning and experiential education. Key education tools were developed - brochures, games, presentations - and provided to pilot schools at 2 different age groups, grade 5 and grade 9. Classes then used these to learn about the Houbara prior to visiting IFHC's captive breeding and release centre, NARC. During the visit, students were shown key parts of the facility from display pens to the live food area and the incubation areas. A movie was shown depicting each step of the ecology programme from artificial insemination to release of mature birds. Following the visit, children created presentations, books and plays about the Houbara and IFHC which they shared with their schools and parents. Originally the pilot programme encompassed 2 schools, in 2012/13 it grew to 12 schools and for 2014/15 there is currently interest from more than 40 schools.

The initial meetings took place in June 2011 where research was discovered and ideas shared. Planning took off in January 2012 when the agency built strong relationships with ADEC; the school programme began to take shape. Sharing documents, information and creating content for the school visits took place in Q1 of 2012. This involved providing relevant information to ADEC regarding IFHC. ADEC created curriculum materials based on 'inquiry learning' that was shared with two schools. In Q2 the schools visited NARC and were able to ask knowledgable questions regarding IFHC and the captive breeding programme. The schools then presented their findings to peers, parents and the team. The presentations were correct and factual and as result, many schools are wait listed to join the programme. The method of learning used 'inquiry learning' is based on allowing children to use different ways to discover information and proved perfect for our programme.

From an initial pilot of 2 schools, the 2012/2013 IFHC school programme now encompasses 12 schools with plans to expand the programme to more schools and age groups in the coming years.The programme is the first of its kind in the Gulf region to incorporate 'inquiry learning' into national curriculum activities around a conservation programme. Its success has lead many students to understand the importance of conservation and the preservation of natural habitats and heritage. In addition, IFHC are hoping to expand their education programme significantly and are exploring the option of building a fully equipped education centre in NARC. This will create more jobs locally and also allow more children than ever to learn about IFHC, the Houbara and conservation. This programme also had a ripple effect internationally with Cheshunt School in Maryland, USA designing a web app based on conserving the Houbara.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Bronze: Как се организира хологремен концерт

Екиптът на Кока-Кола- Дубай, организира поредица от супермодерни събития, които показват че съвременните комуникационни възможности изграждат устойчиви мостове между арабските страни и Западния свят. Те реализират поредица от интерактивни и холограмни съвместни концерти на арабски и световни звезди и доказват, че за музиката и изкуството в днешния свят разстояния практически не съществуват. Агенцията е FP7/DXB Dubai.

Type of Entry: PR: Technique
Advertising Agency : FP7/DXB Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Describe the campaign/entry:
We introduced Coke Studio in the Middle East targeting the youth to strengthen their brand love through Music, through a TV program where, in each episode, a popular Arab artist collaborated with a popular International artist. And together they co-created beautiful songs to demonstrate the power of fusion and how positive change can happen when tradition meets modernity, when people open up to the world. To activate Coke Studio, our challenge was clear: How do we involve people in participating with the magic of fusion onground? We picked Yara, a leading Arab artist. In the spirit of the magic of Fusion, we created an activation that the youth had yet to experience - a new idea in entertainment in the region: THE REGION'S FIRST LIVE & INTERACTIVE HOLOGRAM CONCERTS. We set up a concert-like environment with stages, viewing areas, engagement areas. Finally, we created a completely believable computer-generated likeness of Yara that was projected onstage. And we gave users an opportunity to sing with the star resulting in a fusion duet that felt real and live. The hologram interaction created an effect that the youth were performing with her. All performances were watched live by thousands and all videos went live on YouTube. We invited people to vote for those performances. The best ones were selected at winners. We also took the essence of the Hologram online where created a unique, one-of-a-kind Facebook application giving users an opportunity to sing with Yara, resulting in the region’s first-ever social media playlist.

We picked Yara, a leading Arab artist and in the spirit of Fusion, created a new idea in entertainment that the youth had yet to experience: THE REGION'S FIRST LIVE & INTERACTIVE HOLOGRAM CONCERTS. We set up a concert-like environment with the stage, the viewing area, the engagement area. We created a completely believable computer-generated likeness of Yara projected onstage. And gave people an opportunity to sing with the star resulting in a fusion duet that felt real and live. The hologram interaction created an effect that the youth were performing with her. All performances were watched live by thousands everyday and uploaded live on YouTube. We invited people to vote for those performances - the best were selected at winners.

+ Coke Studio was a breakthrough success with the 3rd highest ratings on Arab TV vs. other programs airing in the same time segment. + Coke Studio increased Brand Love Score with the UAE reaching 3.1 for the first time ever, while across the region, association with music grew by +6 points and brand favouritism grew by +2 points due to the positive association with music. + Tens of thousands of mall visitors watched the live hologram concerts; over a thousand people participated. + YouTube videos got over 1,196,000 views + 4,020 subscribers; Twitter got over 7,000 followers; Over 400 fan content videos. + Facebook page got a 35% social engagement score after just 10 weeks. Fans grew to 1.1 million. + Coke Studio's social content and experiences generated ‘Always On’ Brand conversations: 18,402 social media mentions with over 90% positive sentiments. 78% of those praised the idea of fusion.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Silver: Пророкът

След премиерата на трейлъра на филм за Innocence of Muslims’ през юли 2012 г., който разгневи мюсюлманите по целия свят, екипът на Катарския телеком QTel, стартира кампания, основана на диалога „между различните”. Те дават възможност на толерантните мюсюлмани да си изразят недоволството по един интелигентен начин и с това да подпомогнат за утоляване на страстите. Акцент в инициативата е възможността всеки да изрази/изпише отношението си по темата, като сподели мисли и чувства на специално пригодена за целта стена, поставена на ключово място в Доха.  Агенцията е LEO BURNETT QATAR Doha, QATAR.

Type of Entry: PR: Sectors and Services
Advertising Agency : LEO BURNETT QATAR Doha, QATAR
PR Agency : WALLIS Doha, QATAR

Describe the campaign/entry:
In July 2012, the trailer of the movie "Innocence of Muslims" went online depicting Prophet Mohammed as ruthless imbecile. Suddenly, Muslims were blinded by rage. What started as an instinctive reaction, ended up being violent and deadly giving a very bad image about Islam and Muslims as well as doing the opposite of Prophet's Mohammed teachings. Once again, the angry few were representing the tolerant many. Frustrated Muslims were looking to break away from these suffocating and unjust stereotypes. As a telecom operator we wanted to give the majority, the tolerant Muslims, the opportunity to be heard. We started the conversation with social media and an ad showing the prophet’s stamp with one of his quotes “I was sent to perfect honorable morals”. To further change people’s behaviors and break the stereotype we invited them and the media to continue this conversation face to face with both Muslims and non-Muslims at our meeting point. We took over an entire wall in Doha’s biggest malls, allowing people to express their thoughts. Ultimately, Qtel gave the media and people something positive to cover and talk about, revealing the neglected truth and shining light on the tolerant many.

With such a sensitive topic we didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire. As a result we kept our creative solution simple, straightforward and honest. We took over a wall at one of Doha’s busiest malls and asked people to write down their thoughts on the whole situation. We initially drove people to the activation by starting the conversation with our print and social media communication. We quickly realized that with the right timing and sensibility, the simplest and most honest creative idea can have the biggest impacts on people’s lives.

The response was overwhelmingly positive. Within a few hours people where gathering themselves around our wall. Filling up the wall with messages of peace, understanding and tolerance, the media closely covered the entire event and spread a much needed positive message in a clutter of doom and gloom headlines. A total of 1,322 messages where written down with the best ones being shared on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, with our top posts getting 2,806; 1640 and 2187 “likes” as well as hundreds of shares and comments. All local TV channels covered the event. All local newspapers published photos and quotes from the event online and offline. Furthermore, we brought Muslims and non-Muslims together in one physical space, which generated real human interaction and helped bring down walls of misconception.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Silver: Един семеен ден офлайн

Това е една кампания, наградена със сребро на фестивала Dubai Lynx 2013. McDonalds – ОАЕ е семеен ресторант, който си поставя цел да се превърне в посланик на идеята да се прекарва повече време офлайн в семействата. Така стартира инициативата – Един ден офлайн – без никакви телефони, смартфони или каквито и да е технологични устройства – само с членове на семейството. За успешното му реализиране е обявен денят 28 септември за „Офлайн ден”.Популяризирането на инициативата става чрез активно използване на водещи блогове в страната. Агенцията е ASDA'A BURSON-MARSTELLER Dubai.

Type of Entry: PR: Technique
Client: McDONALD'S

Describe the campaign/entry:
 As a family restaurant, McDonald's is always looking to create moments and opportunities for families to connect. And something was bothering us... We all know technology can bring families and loved-ones together, but if misused can actually become a barrier to quality time with family. We knew the importance of uninterrupted family time, but wanted to make sure families did too. But in order to really affect positive change in family behavior when it came to technology, we would need an act that would get families to look up from their screens and take notice. Instead of an awareness campaign we created a cause, a single day around which families could rally and show their support for family time. We created a day in were families were asked to put aside their phones, emails and gadgets and focus on spending time with family, September 28th: A Day Offline. In effect this was the people's cause, not ours. McDonald's was simply acting as an enabler, so reaching out to them was key in order to see the day become a success. To garner support, we raised awareness through a month of blog posts citing sources from across the region and world about the benefits and pitfalls to uninterrupted family time. We also reached out to bloggers and key influencers on social media to further extend the debate on their own terms.

A month prior to the day, we started a conversation on our Facebook blog, highlighting the issue daily with content posted by leading authorities, including psychologists, teachers, and sociologists. People could share the content, suggest things to do on the day using our word cloud, and wear a Twibbon to show their support. As our print presence grew, bloggers fueled the growing debate online. On the day itself, we went into digital silence and handed out 250,000 phone vaults to lock away mobile phones for the day. Suggestions from the word cloud were converted into regional in-mall and in-store activities.

Research showed 660,000 participated on the day. Of those who participated: • 20% were more likely to think that McDonald’s cares about families. • 17% were more likely to trust McDonald’s. • 95% claimed it helped them understand that family time should be uninterrupted. • 85% claimed it helped them understand that technology can interrupt quality family time. • 80% claimed they were more willing to separate from technology when with family. • 87% claimed they were more willing to ignore their phone at the dinner table. Additionally, PR coverage in 50+ blogs and 85 published articles extended awareness beyond the 1.79 million reached through Facebook.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Silver: Sprite раздухва неудобни истини из Саудитска Арабия

След близо три годишно отсъствие на Sprite от пазарите в страните от Арабския полуостров, маракта решава да се завърне по един категоричен и запомнящ се начин – като се превръне в посланик на неудобните истини и тоталното отсъствие на цензура в страните, където цензурата е начин на живот. За реализиране на целите се използват само социални канали, където според статистиката, младите хора от Арабстките страни, прекарват по около 15 часа дневно. Започват серия от болезнено искрени публикации на страницата си във Facebook, нецензурирани видеа и дори мини-сериал, който представя откровено истинни ситуации от ежедневието на таргетираните хора. В началото аудиторията е тотално отблъсната от тази кампания, но постепенно хейтърите се превръщат в лайкъри и броят им надвишава 400 000 само на страницата във Facebook. Агенцията е MEMAC OGILVY Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.

Type of Entry: PR: Technique

Describe the campaign/entry:
Sprite has been virtually non-existent in the Middle East for three years. We were tasked to bring it to life along with its core value message of being a refreshingly honest brand that doesn’t promote bullshit. Our strategy was to encourage young Saudis to adopt this kind of mindset in their lifestyle, and introduce Sprite as a refreshing soft drink, that inspires you to be true to yourself. Our audience was not familiar with the brand, and has never been exposed to this bold tone of voice, especially in Saudi Arabia, where every kind of content is constantly filtered. Our young target audience spends a daily average of 15 hours on the internet. So we used YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, as pillars for our direct communication with Saudis. That’s why these channels were for us the best medium for communication and activation, with minimal content filtering, and maximum direct, Saudi self-expression. And to keep the discussions enjoyable, we used comedy to send refreshingly honest fun messages.

Once the idea for Sprite Minalakhir was born and extensive research into relevant topics were finalized we started the shooting and production of our 5 minute video comedy episodes right where our target audience sits. We aired on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and the Minalakhir-website. The first few weeks we received harsh criticism from our target audience who was not prepared for a brand as bold and honest as Sprite. Staying true to ourselves and our brand message we soon increased the number of our followers and contributors who started self-expressing, communicating and spreading the message. Our young Saudis became our voice online which encouraged us pursue our plans… why we are still on air providing a platform to self-express.

Although the campaign received harsh criticism in the first few weeks, in a period of only 8 weeks, we turned most haters into followers. We grew from only 53 fans Facebook to around 400.000 active fans, with over 6.000 participations in the competitions. The show went from almost getting cancelled, to hitting over 5.5 million views… and counting.

Annual sales growth of 2% in KSA jumped to an incredible 15% growth during the first half of the campaign! And most importantly, we created a self-expression movement around Saudi youth, encouraging them to say things the way they are.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Gold: Тази година Коледа е през септември

Това е кампания, наградена със злато от Dubai Lynx 2013. SEPTEMBER CHRISTMAS е оригиналното заглавие на инициативата, която цели набиране на средства за деца с онкологични заболявания в Ливан. Кампанията си поставя големи краткосрочни цели и е изградена изцяло с помощта на емоционални, но позитивни послания. Агенцията е HORIZON DRAFTFCB Beirut, LEBANON

Advertising Agency: HORIZON DRAFTFCB Beirut, LEBANON
Type of Entry: PR: Technique

“September Christmas” was intended to inspire a simple, powerful reaction: “I can turn tears into laughter”. And inspire it did. Tamanna relies on donations to grant wishes of critically ill children in Lebanon. In order to help as many children as possible, Tamanna needed to raise awareness. And funds. 'September Christmas' was the very public fulfillment of 8-year-old cancer patient Carmen’s wish for an iPad at Christmas. PR was effective in garnering widespread coverage of the event and of Tamanna's cause. The positive impact of granting a wish became the 'It' topic in Lebanon. The event seeded the conversation; PR amplified its voice and reach. In less than 5 weeks, donations to Tamanna increased by 74% and volunteer requests by 112%.

On September 8, Carmen’s parents took her out for ice-cream in Downtown Beirut. Suddenly, Christmas carols began to play and Beirut Souks transformed into a semi-Winter Wonderland. While Santa Clause typically flies his reindeer, on this night he was lowered from a helicopter right in front of Carmen. With an iPad in his sack. The event was heartwarming, hopeful and created a powerful and touching story of a brave little girl whose wish came true. Video of the event was produced and published; Carmen and Tamanna were available for interviews; content was supplied to all the media outlets and show ideas were co-created for the 2 most popular Lebanese talk shows. The story touched hearts and people generously and spontaneously shared it on multiple media platforms; through good old-fashioned real life conversations; and in different languages creating a tremendous ripple effect that carried Carmen and Tamanna far beyond Beirut.

Tamanna and Carmen became the talk of the town from Downtown Beirut all the way to Chicago. 200+ blogs shared the story; the video was featured on Facebook profiles and twitter pages of individuals, celebrities and companies. Coordination with prominent talk shows such as "Kalam El Neis" created lengthy features and interviews. The ripple effect included prime-time news coverage on MTV and Future TV, 3 different language newspapers - L'Orient Le Jour, An Nahar and The Daily Star - and Lebanon's #1 radio, Radio One. The event and coverage cost $0. The free PR and media value is estimated at $3.6 million. But more importantly, people were moved to give. In less than 5 weeks, donations to Tamanna increased 74% and volunteer requests 112%. These aren’t just numbers. These are wishes. Tamanna's average of fulfilling 12 wishes a month became 26 wishes a month. That’s almost 1 wish a day.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Gold: Липсващият човек

Това е една кампания, наградена със злато на фестивала Dubai Lynx 2013. Тя е насочена към повишаване на общественото внимание към изчезналите хора след края на гражданската война в Ливан. За реализирането на целите й са използвани различни техники, които правят кампанията разнообразна. Един от акцентите в нея е комуникирането на посланието за „липсващия човек”, чрез поредица от „липсващи” индиректни внушения – липсващи аватари във Facebook, липсващи хора от огледала в тоалетните на множество заведения, липсващи хора от снимки и видео клипове. Агенцията е GREY WORLDWIDE MENA NETWORK Beirut, LEBANON.

Title: ACT-PR
Type of Entry: PR: Best Campaign

The Situation:
There were no sustained efforts by the government to actually know what happened to 17,000 disappeared.

With ’Enough Waiting’ as the campaign idea, a multimedia initiative was rolled out. It kicked off with a series of gripping TV commercials strongly highlighting the plight of those waiting. The campaign then went into outdoor and print executions. Digital media banners on key websites, redirected users to a 10-second countdown. Disappearing profile pictures on facebook marked the support of thousands, creating 15,000 likes overnight. Headlines in leading newspapers generated top stories on TV. The nation’s leading TV station dedicated, to this initiative, an entire episode of the highest rated political talk show. To prompt the government for action, we called upon the nation to join a march to the parliament, together with the families of the disappeared, on November 17. At the parliament, we put up a paneled wall. As more and more people signed on it, the faces of those who disappeared were revealed.

On that day, a first-of-its-kind petition was submitted for the support of a government decree to start investigating about the disappeared. And on this very day an entire nation appeared as one, united through their support of the ‘act for the disappeared’.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Grand Prix (7-Day Brief Competition): Децата и въображението

Кампания на Червения полумесец за набиране на средства за деца в нужда. И тя получава Grand Prix на Dubai Lynx 2013 при седемдневното журиране (7-Day Brief Competition). Оригинално заглавие на кампанията ‘Never Underestimate a Child’s Imagination'. 
Агенцията е Mounaz Abdel Raouf, Egypt.

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Dubai Lynx 2013/ PR Grand Prix (7-Day Brief Competition): Променените актове за раждане

Това е една кампания на Червения полумесец за набиране на средства за деца в нужда. И тя получава Grand Prix на Dubai Lynx 2013 при седемдневното журиране (7-Day Brief Competition). Оригинално заглавие на кампанията ‘Never Underestimate a Child’s Imagination'.
Агенцията е Mounaz Abdel Raouf, Egypt.

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